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发布时间:2012/11/12 8:46:00 访问次数:8567




演讲话题:My Real Life  vs  My Ideal Life  我的真实生活与理想生活的碰撞

组织者:刘琳  程茜


马晓豫:ideal life: to own a large enough house, to have a harmonious family;

real life: too tired every day, no time to enjoy life

叶楠:  ideal life: to own a small farm, to lead a natural and peaceful life;

real life: no changes at all, fixed daily routine, a little bit boring

齐润坤:sharp contrast between ideal life and real life, have to learn to be adaptable to the real life




地点:会议室(1  高中部办公楼四层校长办公室对面

讨论主题: Barack Obama’s Victory Speech After Re-election 奥巴马连任演讲


1. Work out the meaning of the difficult words and sentences together until you have fully understood the speech;


Tips: Please watch the video of the speech on the Internet and read the full text beforehand. While reading, underline the parts you don’t understand well.


2.        Discussion: Which quotes impress you most? Why?




patriotism  n. 爱国     patriotic  adj.  爱国的

innovation  n. 创新     innovative  adj.  革新的,创新的

inclusiveness  n. 包容    inclusive  adj.  包括一切的

virtues  n.   厚德      principle  n  原则,原理     belief  n.  信念

morals  n.  道德,伦理,品行   moral  adj.  道德的

passionate  adj. 具有强烈感情的,激昂的    passion  n. 激情

interpretation   n.  解释,说明,阐明,理解

values   n. 价值观      solidarity  n.  团结,一致

democratic  adj.  民主的   democracy  n.  民主

the Democratic Party   民主党      the Republican Party   共和党

social democracy  社会民主主义国家      communist country  共产主义国家

harmony  n.  和谐   harmonious  adj.  和谐的

controversy  n.  争论,争议   controversial  adj.  有争议的,引起争论的


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